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How to Spot Your Best Servers and Drive Restaurant Growth 

How to Spot Your Best Servers and Drive Restaurant Growth 

Picture of Denise Prichard
Denise Prichard

Your servers can be one of your greatest assets. With the right approach—and the right tools—you can empower them to lead your team, improve guest experiences, and fuel your restaurant’s success.

Servers are more than just the people who deliver food to tables—they’re the face of your restaurant. They create genuine connections with guests, set the tone for the dining experience, and play an important role in your restaurant’s success. High-performing servers don’t just do their job—they make each visit memorable. This can have a real impact on your bottom line since 60% of guests who have a positive experience will dine at your restaurant more often, and 41% will recommend it to family and friends. 

So, how do you identify these standout team members? And once you’ve found them, how can you leverage their talents to drive growth for your restaurant? Let’s look at the best ways to recognize and maximize the impact of your top servers. 

1. Watch who’s bringing in sales

One of the easiest ways to spot a standout server is by looking at sales performance. The best servers don’t just take orders—they guide guests through the menu, making smart suggestions and increasing the average check size. Whether it’s upselling a glass of wine or highlighting the daily special, they know how to add value without feeling pushy. 

Take a look at your sales data and see who consistently ranks at the top. These servers are likely pros at reading guests, understanding their preferences, and finding ways to make each meal just a little bit more special. 

2. Pay attention to guest feedback

Customers are quick to voice their opinions about their dining experience, whether they’re highlighting what they loved or sharing their thoughts on what could be improved. To get a clear picture, check out online reviews, comment cards, and even the casual feedback guests give as they leave. Pay attention to servers who are frequently mentioned for their outstanding service or attention to detail—and be on the lookout for those who remember regulars’ favorite drinks or dishes. 

High-performing servers excel at creating memorable experiences that make a lasting impact. They have a unique ability to make each guest feel like they’re the most important person in the room. When servers show genuine care and exceptional service, they not only make dining memorable but also build lasting connections that keep guests coming back for more 

3. Look for the team players

When the restaurant gets busy and the rush kicks in, teamwork is everything. The best servers don’t just handle their own tables well—they’re the ones who step up when things get hectic. Whether it’s helping during a rush or showing newer team members the ropes, they’re quick to jump in wherever they’re needed. 

These standout servers know how to keep things running smoothly, even when the pressure is on. Their calm, problem-solving approach helps keep everything on track. They often end up as the go-to people on the floor, guiding the team and making sure everyone works together. Their presence can completely change the flow of a busy shift, making them essential to the restaurant’s success. 


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4. Find the learners

The restaurant industry is always changing—new menu items, new trends, new tech—and the best servers are the ones who keep up. These are the people who are excited to learn, whether it’s mastering a new point-of-sale (POS) system or memorizing the ingredients in new dishes. 

High-performing servers are always on the lookout for ways to improve and adapt. They stay curious and flexible, eagerly picking up new skills and knowledge. When you find someone who’s genuinely excited to learn and grow, you’ve likely discovered a team member who will help your restaurant stay ahead of the curve and thrive in this industry.  

5. Use your high performers to drive growth

Once you’ve identified your top servers, it’s time to use their strengths to benefit the entire restaurant. Here’s how: 

  • Make them mentors: Encourage these servers to mentor newer staff. Their experience and skills can help raise the bar for the whole team. Plus, mentoring gives them a sense of ownership and leadership, which can help keep them engaged and motivated. 
  • Recognize and reward: Don’t just let great performance go unnoticed. Publicly recognize your top performers—whether through bonuses, rewards, or just a simple shoutout in a team meeting. Positive reinforcement goes a long way, and it sets a great example for the rest of the staff. 
  • Share their sales knowledge: If you have servers who are great at upselling or cross-selling, consider having them lead a training session for the rest of the team. Sharing what works for them can help others improve their sales tactics, boosting overall revenue. 

6. Leverage tech for performance tracking

The right restaurant management platform can make a big difference when it comes to tracking server performance. With real-time data, you can see who’s driving sales, how guest satisfaction is trending, and even keep an eye on labor costs to make informed decisions. This information not only helps you spot your top performers but also supports your growth strategies. 

Pro tip: Your software should also include built-in and customizable training content, so your employees can start off strong and continue to improve. Having training content integrated into the platform ensures that every team member has the tools they need to become a high performer from day one, helping your restaurant succeed while also supporting your staff.  

Savor success with your best

Great servers can be a driving force behind your restaurant’s success, and your top performers can make a huge impact. By identifying those who excel in customer service, sales, and teamwork, you can use their talents to lift the whole team. Whether it’s through mentorship, giving them recognition, or optimizing their shifts, leveraging these standout team members can lead to happier guests, higher sales, and a stronger team. 

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