
The Secret Sauce to Reducing Employee Turnover in Your Restaurant

The Secret Sauce to Reducing Employee Turnover in Your Restaurant

Picture of Nikol Moen
Nikol Moen

Finding good employees is difficult — keeping them is even more challenging. Here’s how to create an environment that retains employees and keeps operations flowing.

As a restaurant owner or operator are you tired of the endless cycle of hiring and training new staff, only to see them leave before their apron even gets its first grease stain? Are you struggling to create a working environment where your team feels confident, comfortable, and supported? 

Well, grab a seat at our proverbial table, because we’re about to dish out some food for thought that might just help your restaurant turn the corner. 

Believe it or not, there’s one crucial operational step that most restaurants lose sight of that greatly affects retention: employee training. The transformative power of great staff training can affect how long new employees last. In fact, establishments that invest in better training see significant improvements in their staff’s job satisfaction, performance, and retention.

So, let’s break down the secret sauce to making your restaurant staff feel like they’re part of a winning team.

Step 1: Create Confident, Knowledgeable Staff

Imagine walking into a new job and being handed a menu the size of a novel with ingredients you can’t pronounce and dishes you’ve never heard of. Now imagine trying to answer customer questions and upsell items while feeling like you’re fumbling in the dark.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? Well, that’s often the reality for new hires in the restaurant industry.

A study by the National Restaurant Association found that 1 in 3 restaurant employees cited inadequate training as a primary reason for leaving their jobs. It’s no surprise that a lack of training leads to a lack of confidence, which in turn can lead to subpar performance and high turnover rates.

To combat feelings of inadequacy in employees, invest in comprehensive staff training that covers everything from menu items and ingredients to upselling techniques and customer service skills. By arming your staff with the knowledge they need to excel, you’re not only setting them up for success but also demonstrating that you value their contributions to the team.

Step 2: Clearly Define Expectations

If you’ve ever tried to build a piece of furniture without instructions, you know how frustrating it can be to feel lost and unsure of what you’re doing. The same goes for restaurant staff who are unsure of their roles and responsibilities.

Setting clear expectations is crucial for helping your staff feel confident and capable in their jobs. You can start by incorporating expectations for each role within your employee training program. Make sure each team member knows exactly what’s expected of them, from food preparation to customer interactions.

Another way to help your staff meet expectations is by implementing standardized checklists and procedures. Incorporate operational checklist software to easily create custom checklists for each job role, ensuring that your staff knows precisely what they need to do to succeed.

With clear expectations and efficient systems in place, your team can focus on what they do best: providing excellent service to your guests.

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Bavarian Bierhaus Managers Save Nearly 30 Hours Per Month with Restaurant365

Step 3: Develop a Supportive and Inclusive Team Culture

We’ve all heard the saying, “there’s no ‘I’ in ‘team,'” but have you ever stopped to think about what that really means for your restaurant staff? Feeling supported and included as part of the team can make a world of difference when it comes to job satisfaction and performance.

In fact, a Gallup study found that engaged employees — those who feel a strong connection to their team and workplace — are 81% more likely to show up to their shift and 14% more productive than their disengaged counterparts. So how can you cultivate a team culture where everyone feels like they belong?

  1. Foster communication. Ensure that your staff has opportunities to communicate and collaborate with one another, both during and outside of work hours. This might include regular team meetings, staff outings, or even a group chat where employees can share updates, ask questions, and stay connected.
  2. Give praise. Recognize and celebrate your team’s achievements, both big and small. A simple “great job!” or a more formal recognition program can go a long way in making your staff feel valued and appreciated. Remember: a little appreciation can be the yeast that helps your team’s morale rise to new heights!
  3. Champion inclusivity. Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Encourage open communication and listen to what your team has to say. By fostering an inclusive atmosphere, you’ll not only show your staff that their opinions matter but also tap into their unique perspectives and expertise. After all, the best ideas often come from those in the trenches.

The Perfect Recipe for an Engaged Staff

So there you have it: the secret sauce to helping your restaurant staff feel confident, comfortable, and supported. By focusing on comprehensive training, setting clear expectations, and fostering a supportive and inclusive team culture, you’ll not only create a happier and more efficient workforce but also set your restaurant on the path to success. The best part of incorporating this secret sauce into your operational systems? You don’t have to implement on your own — there are tools to support you. 

Investing in employee training software that can automate and deliver quality training to any employee for any role can level-up staff engagement and reduce turnover. While it’s impossible for you to be everywhere at once guiding staff members every step of the way, an employee training app serves as a guidepost in your team’s pockets. Expand training with the help of Restaurant365’s Employee Training and see your employees soar.

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